pp108 : Persisting Event Service Subscriptions

Persisting Event Service Subscriptions

This topic describes the procedure for persisting an Event Service subscription.

Any client can subscribe to an event service on a specified subject. All the events published for that subject following the subscription are notified to the client. If the client for some reason stops working, the client does not receive the events published. Once the client starts working again, it starts receiving the events. However, the events published in the meantime are lost.

Configure a connection point through MSMQ to ensure that the events are not lost. The events published are stored in a queue. If the client stops working, the events are stored in the client. When the client starts working again, all the events are sent to the client. Hence, event service subscriptions are persisitent.

  1. Create a connection point with MSMQ as the type connection point. For more information on creating a connection point, refer to Creating a Connection Point.
  2. In your application, provide the name ( that is DN) while creating the connection point, using the following command:
    Connector.getInstance(<DN of the connectionpoint created>)

Related concepts

Event Service

Related reference
